Join ARENA: UTII and unlock the new hero Utii, Spell Scroll for Stella, Legendary Artifacts for Dora, Stella, Marty-O, Ankh, and an awesome unit skin! Win Gold, Gems, Premium, Artifacts, Runes, Shards, and many other rewards.
Extra event BIG BUG RACE will be unlocked once you finish the main event. The top participants can win the following prizes: Spell Scrolls for Cree and Pahom, Legendary Artifacts for Utii, Cree, and Kenor, Epic Artifacts for Utii and Trini, Artifact Chests, Runes, and Gems, for top participants.
📅 17 March – 16 April 2023 + 3 extra days to take rewards and complete the Race.
- First, you have to earn Event Tickets, and you can accomplish this by:
— Every player gets 50 Tickets for their first login.
— Winning multiplayer games (both ranked and 2v2) – from 2 to 8 Tickets per battle.
— Watching ads – 10 per ad (limit is 3 ads per day).
— Players will receive 50 extra Tickets per day for Arena Pass owners.
— Players can purchase levels at the event shop. - Then you have to spend these Tickets to play in special event Battles – 10 per battle.
— Every time you win in Special Event Battles, you will collect 50 Cups (+25 Cups for Arena Pass owners). - Finally, by collecting these Cups, you can achieve and unlock incredible rewards!
There will be 2 different Passes throughout this event
🤩 Free pass – unlocked for free for everyone.
😎 Arena pass – purchase it to be able to unlock additional rewards.

Big Bug Race
As soon as you complete all 120 levels of the main event, you will be invited to participate in an extra event, the BIG BUG RACE. Players continue to collect Cups the same way via the same Event Tickets. As you achieve new levels, your own bug progresses on a track, helping you to overtake your opponents.
- The race finishes on the 19th of April 2023, but you must start it before the main event ends.
- One level is equivalent to the number of cups required to advance from level 119 to level 120 of the main event line.
- If two players have the same number of levels, the player who got to his level first will get the higher place in the rating.
- Players in the first 100 places in the rating will receive special UNIQUE rewards at the end of the race.
The sooner you finish the main event, the sooner you can start progressing in the Bug Race! This will increase your chances of getting your desired spot.
Main event rewards
🎁 New hero Utii
🎁 Legendary Artifacts for Dora, Stella, Marty-O, and Ankh
🎁 Unit skin
🎁 Gold, Gems, Runes, and Shards
🎁 Both normal and Artifact Chests.
🎁 Premium
Big Bug Race rewards
🐞 top 1: Spell Scroll for Cree
🐞 top 3: New Legendary Artifact for Utii
🐞 top 5: 500 Runes
🐞 top 7: Spell Scroll for Pahom
🐞 top 10: Legendary Artifact for Kenor
🐞 top 15: Epic Artifact for Trini
🐞 top 20: Epic Artifact #1 for Utii
🐞 top 25: 300 Runes
🐞 top 30: Legendary Artifact for Cree
🐞 top 35: 15000 Gems
🐞 top 40: 250 Runes
🐞 top 45: 10000 Gems
🐞 top 50: 150 Runes
🐞 top 55: 5 Magic Artifact Chests
🐞 top 60: 100 Runes
🐞 top 65: 3 Magic Artifact Chests
🐞 top 70: 75 Runes
🐞 top 75: 3 Magic Artifact Chests
🐞 top 80: 50 Runes
🐞 top 85: Epic Artifact #2 for Utii
🐞 top 90: 5000 Gems
🐞 top 95: 25 Runes
🐞 top 100: Epic Artifact #3 for Utii
The battle is in Full Swing!